This article contains instructions on how to upload an action plan to a Care Profile with existing Asthma details. If this condition is not added to the profile yet, you can see this article instead.
1. Click on the name of the profile.
You may also scroll down to the Safety Alerts section and click on Edit, then, click the blue Edit button on this condition.
3. At the bottom of the page, select Choose File and find the asthma plan in your computer or smartphone. If the administrator of the organisation uploaded a default action plan, you can download the file by clicking this from the reminder shown below.

4. If you are happy with the selection, tick These are my approved care instructions* and click Update to complete the process.
5. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent, confirm that the profile has been changed, and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date.