The following steps will allow you to add or edit medical conditions.

Adding Medical Conditions

1. Log in through the CareMonkey App or a web browser, and click on the name or photo of the Profile.



2. Select MEDICAL CONDITIONS from the FULL VIEW drop-down list, or, click the Edit button in the Medical Conditions section.





3. Tick Yes on the right side of the specific Medical Condition and click Save and Continue.


4. Fill out the form as necessary and click Update. If you click Update but missed to fill out a required section, that section will be highlighted in red. Required sections are presented by an asterisk (*).


5. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent, confirm that the profile has been changed and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date.

Editing Medical Conditions

1. Log in through the CareMonkey App or a web browser, and click on the name or photo of the Profile.


2. Select MEDICAL CONDITIONS from the FULL VIEW drop-down list, or, click the Edit button in the Medical Conditions section.




3. Click the blue Edit button of an existing medical condition.


4. Fill out the form as necessary and click Update. If you click Update but missed to fill out a required section, that section will be highlighted in red. Required sections are presented by an asterisk (*).



5. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent, confirm that the profile has been changed and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date.