This article will show Profile Owners (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) how to respond to a profile request from an organisation.

1. No Profile created yet

2. With an existing Profile

No Profile created yet

If you received an invitation (Email/SMS) from an organisation to share a profile but you have not created one yet, you may follow the instructions in the articles below:

  1. How does a User create a Care Profile? (With an existing account)
  2. How does a User create a Care Profile? (Without an existing account)

With an existing Profile

Option 1. If you have already completed a profile and consented with a digital signature, you'll see a Profile Request under Notifications and Requests section. Select the correct profile from the drop-down box and click Share to complete the process and give view access to the organisation. 


Option 2. Alternatively, you can click on the profile and you will see a list of the organisations with pending sharing requests in the Sharing section. Simply click on Share to give view access to that organisation.



Click Share in the confirmation window that will pop-up.

To remove an organisation's access to the profile, just click on the trash icon and that access will be revoked.


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