What is it?
How is it different?Profile lockdown is the CareMonkey term given to a profile request that originates from a business (i.e. not a school or club) or a profile request for an adult.
As the profile owner, you will have full visibility of who accessed the private information, when they accessed it and the reason they provided for accessing it.The private information (emergency contacts, medical contacts, emergency information, medical conditions, other conditions and notes) are not accessible to admins or staff carers except when in an emergency. When a staff member tries to access the private information contained on that profile, they will be required to re-input their password to re-verify their identity as well as provide a reason as to why they require access to the profile.
Due to the restricted nature of the information contained in profiles, the information provided in a report will be limited to only include basic information (name, number). If the organisation has a variety of locked down profiles and regular profiles, generating a report will display for the regular profiles but not the locked down profiles.
Resources for Admins & Staff Members
Resources for CareProfile owners