If Profile Owners (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) have entered an expiry date for their child's EpiPen or Anapen into CareMonkey, they will receive an email informing them when it is about to expire, as well as periodic emails afterwards, letting them know that it's time to get a new one.
Once you have replaced your child's EpiPen or Anapen, you will need to update the expiry date in CareMonkey, by following the steps below:

2. Select Allergies (Anaphylactic) from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

3. Change the date in the EpiPen/Anapen Expiry field to the expiry of the new pen.

4. Click Update at the bottom-right of the screen to save this new information.

5. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent to confirm that the profile has been changed and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date. You can check this article on how you can sign the Signature box.