If the club uses Fox Sports Pulse to maintain member's information, the administrator can use the following steps to extract this data.
1. After logging in and getting to your club's home screen, click the Reports link in the menu along the top.
2. Select the Member report in the menu on the left.
3. Click the Configure button in the Advanced Member section.
4. On the left hand side, there are a number of fields in different categories. Click and drag the required ones onto the Selected Fields Section. The recommended fields are:
Personal Details -> First Name, Family Name
Contact Details -> Email, Mobile Phone
We will also need to filter by the season, or else every member added since your club started using Fox Sports Pulse will be included in the report.
To do this, we need to add the Seasons -> Seasons field from the left hand side to the "Selected Fields" section. Next, click the "Filter:" box, and select "equals"
In the box that appears just to the right of the filter box, click and select a season.
Your "Selected Fields" area should now look something like below.

Please note: If you have teams already defined in Fox Sports Pulse, you can also include the team field
5. Click Run Report
You will be presented with a report on screen. Select all the data by clicking and dragging your mouse, then copy and paste it into a spreadsheet.