As an administrator, you can now limit the Staff Members' (i.e., teachers, club coaches, team managers, supervisors, etc.) ability to send SMS messages to a group. This can be done through the organisation's Group Settings or through the eForm itself.

Group Settings

1. Click on Tools > Group settings


2. At the bottom of the page, there is a check box that says Allow carers to send SMS messages. Tick this box if you want to enable this functionality.



On each eForm, there is a checkbox at the end of the form that says Allow carers to SMS. To do this, please follow the steps below:

1. Click the three horizontal lines icon on the eForm.


2. Go to Settings tab, check Allow staff carers to SMS, click Save and Preview
NOTE: If your global setting is set to not enable SMS, this will override the global setting and still allow Group Carer to send SMS messages.


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