Profile Owners (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) can add a photo to a Care Profile. To do this, please follow these steps:
1. Log in to your account and click on a profile.
2. Click Edit in the Person Details' section.
3. Select Choose File. This will allow you to search your computer for a picture to use.

4. If you are okay with the picture you have selected, click Save and Crop Image at the bottom right part of the page.

5. You now have the option to crop the photo to select the part of the photo that will look best on the care profile. When you are happy with it, Select Crop.
6. You will be taken to the Consent section. As a change has been made to the Care Profile, you will need to re-consent to confirm that the profile has been changed and that the medical information contained within is up-to-date. You can check this article on how you can sign the Signature box.