When a Care Profile Owner (i.e., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) fills out a CareMonkey profile, the first section that needs to be filled out is the Person details. This page contains the member's basic information (birth of date, gender, home phone number, physical address, etc.).

If the Care Profile Owner has multiple members who are part of the organisation (e.g., parents who have two or more children attending the same school) and a profile has already been created for one of the members, the steps below will copy the basic details of an existing profile (i.e., phone number and physical address) to the new profile. 

1. Click Add New Care Profile or respond to a profile request by clicking the Create button.



2. Select the name where you'd like to copy the data from.


3. It will auto populate the highlighted items below. Edit or delete as necessary, complete the form, and click Save and Continue to save your progress.