This guide will show how the school's administrators prepare for a new school year by importing the new list of students and archiving the old information.
Process Overview:
A typical roll-over for a new year involves the three basic steps listed below. These steps do not necessarily have to happen at the same time and, in particular, step 3 will usually happen just after the new year starts. In addition, some steps can occur multiple times as new information is entered into your Student Administration System.
- Import new students into a new group (e.g. "New 2015 Students")
- Archive old groups, old eForms, and students who are leaving the school
- Import the final class list from your Student Administration System (e.g. SAS)
Step 1: Importing new students
This step enables the school to start collecting the required emergency and medical details for students who are yet to start at the school.
This step is typically done several months before the new year starts (when the school knows about the new students). This gives parents of new students plenty of time to enter the required details. It can also be repeated multiple times as new students are enrolled.
To perform this step, you will need to export an Excel or a CSV spreadsheet from your administration system containing just the new students (i.e. just students that are not currently listed in CareMonkey). The spreadsheet must contain the following data for each student:
- The Students' full names (or separate fields for first and last names)
- The Students' IDs
- The parents' email addresses
- The parents' mobile phone numbers (optional)
- A group name for the new students (e.g. New Students 2015)
An example is below:
John Smith | 151001 | |
0410 000 000 |
New 2015 Students |
Zoe Appleby | 152345 | |
0410 123 456 | New 2015 Students |
Angus Waters | 159876 | |
0411 111 111 | New 2015 Students |
Walter Smith | 151345 | |
0422 222 222 | New 2015 Students |
Once you have a spreadsheet in this format, follow the steps for creating the new care profile requests here: How does an Administrator add multiple Care Profile requests?
The CareMonkey system will now start to send profile request messages to the primary carer asking them to complete the health and safety details for the student.
Note: Should you need to assign a profile to more than three groups, you may follow the format below:
John Smith |
151001 | |
0410 000 000 |
1st Group | 2nd Group | 3rd Group |
John Smith |
151001 | |
0410 000 000 |
4th Group | 5th Group |
In the example above, John Smith will be added to the following groups: 1st Group, 2nd Group, 3rd Group, 4th Group, and 5th Group. Please make sure that the details on the first four columns are the same to avoid creation of duplicate profiles.
If you would prefer a visual representation, we have made a video explaining this step, which can be found here.
The process of archiving student profiles, groups and eForms moves them into the Archive section (Tools > View Archives), and these will no longer be available for viewing by teachers or other staff on their mobile devices or via the website interface. Only the CareMonkey administrators can view the archived data.
These steps are only done once and must be performed carefully as once you archive a student profile, the connection between the parent and the school is severed.
For the new year you will typically need to:
- Archive the previous year class groups (e.g. Class 3A, Class 3B, etc)
- Archive any old eForms (e.g. Year 7 Camp)
- Archive the students in those groups who have left the school (e.g. Class 12A, Class 12B)
Only archive students who are permanently leaving the school (usually Year 6 or Year 12 students).
For groups (classes) and eForms, you will typically want to archive all of them.
To archive old groups, old eForms, and students who are leaving the school, use the "Archive Multiple Groups" feature found under the Tools menu (see below). On this screen, you select all the groups you do not need for next year (usually the class groups) and any eForms that relate to the last year.
For groups where the students will be leaving the school (typically Year 6 or Year 12 classes), you can select "Archive Profiles" and the actual student profiles in those groups will also be permanently archived.
a. Go to Tools > Archive Multiple Groups

b. A screen similar to below will appear. An overview of what will be involved in the roll over process displayed above.

c. You will see a full list of your Groups and eForms in the section below

d. Select the Groups, Profiles and Permission Requests/eForms to Archive

e. Review what you have selected to be archived. Enter your password if it looks correct and then press 'Next'. If there are students who will be returning the next year, you can search for their name in the Members section and un-tick their box to preserve their details for next year.

f. Once you enter your password, the archiving will be done and you will be taken back to the home screen.