These easy steps will show administrators how to add a new Care Profile request. If you have a Student Administration System (such as Synergetic, SAS, TASS, Seqta) please see this guide on how to import them all.

1. Click on the Add button at the upper left of the home screen.


2. Select Add single profile request


3. Fill in the information for the Member (e.g. students, club members, participants, employees, etc.) with his or her Profile Carer's (e.g., parents, adult club members, adult participants, employees, etc.) contact details. Boxes highlighted in red are the required fields. Adding a profile to a group or an eForm may be done on this page, or after the profile request was sent. Once done, click Save and Send Request.


NOTE: The requests will not go out to the primary carers of the profile until the messaging has been enabled. Please see this article for instructions on how to do that.