Ensuring your student administration system (such as SASS, Synergetic, TASS, or Maze) has the most up-to-date parent information is now even easier with CareMonkey. Not only do administrators get notifications when the Care Profile owners (typically, parents) update their contact details, you can now run reports to get that information.
3. See a list of the most up-to-date changes the parents have made. To print, you can press "ctrl" + "P" or go to "File" > "Print". Once you have made the change, click

Q. Why does the "View/Edit Profile Request" still show the old email?A. The original email that was used to make the Care Profile request will always be shown as a point of reference. It can largely be ignored once the Care Profile is received from the Care Profile owners.Q. Why can't I change the email in "View/Edit Profile Request"?A. Once a Care Profile is received from the Care profile owner, changes are automatically updated, so that email you see is for reference only. You can change it if it is incorrect while the Care Profile is still pending (red box).