You and your members can enjoy the convenience of sending and receiving payments through CareMonkey eForms and the Stripe system.

Below is the complete list of charges you will incur by accepting payments on the CareMonkey system.

Each time a successful payment is made, the following fees are collected from the proceeds of the payment and the remaining amount is deposited into your nominated bank account.

Payment method
Variable Stripe Fee (includes all merchant fees) Fixed Stripe Fee Fixed CareMonkey Fee
Domestic VISA or MasterCard
(local to your country)
1.75% of payment amount 30c 10c
 International Card OR American Express Card  2.9% of payment amount 30c 10c


Payment Method Total Fee Explanation

A payment of $100 made using a local VISA Card


$1.75 + 30c + 10c = $2.15

A payment of $100 made using an international Master Card


$2.90 + 30c + 10c = $3.30

A payment of $100 made using an AMEX card (international or domestic) $3.30 $2.90 + 30c + 10c = $3.30

NOTE: There are no setup fees, minimum transaction volumes etc. Some additional fees may apply in the case of disputed transactions. Visit the Stripe web site for full information:

There are no setup or monthly fees. You are only charged for successful transactions. There are NO FEES for refunds and failed charges.

The above fees are deducted from the payment amount, and the remainder is deposited into your nominated bank account. Further details on the process flow can be found on the Stripe web site by following this link:

Make sure to consider these fees when requesting payments. To cover the cost of fees, you may want to include them in the amount you charge so that the final amount remitted to your account will be the required amount.