This article will guide the administrators on how to prepare for a new school year by archiving your old information (students who are leaving the school and past eForm) and importing the new information from your SAS or Synergetic. 

NOTE: Before doing the steps below, please make sure that your SAS2000 or Synergetic is already updated. This means that the new students have already been added and the old students have already been removed. 

This article will cover the following:

1. Archive old groups, old eForms, and students who are leaving the school.

2. Importing New Groups and New Students from SAS or Synergetic

Archive old groups, old eForms, and students who are leaving the school.

Archiving means that the group, profile or eForm will be deleted and can no longer be accessed from CareMonkey. Please be careful on archiving anything because this is irreversible. Please follow the steps below:

1. Log in to your CareMonkey account

2. Go to Tools > Archive Multiple Groups


3. A screen similar to below will appear. An overview of what will be involved in the roll over process displayed above.


4. You will see a full list of your Groups and eForms in the section below. Select the Groups, Profiles and eForms to archive.


  • Checking the "Archive Profiles" column is only used for the groups whose students will not be returning next year (such as the Year 12 classes). 
  • If you want to archive a group without archiving the profiles, please DO NOT put any checkmark under the "Archive Profiles" column.

5. Press Confirm Archive to review what will be archived.

6. Review what you have selected to be archived. If there are students who will be returning the next year, you can search for their name in the Members section and un-tick their box to preserve their details for next year.


7. Enter your password if it looks correct and then press Confirm.

8. Once you enter your password, the archiving will be done and you will be taken back to the home screen.

Importing New Groups and New Students from SAS or Synergetic

The following steps will import the New Groups and New Students from SAS or Synergetic.

1. Log in to your CareMonkey account.

2. Click on Tools > SAS 2000 Options or Tools > Synergetic Options


3. Click on Select Students 


4. After clicking the Select Students, it will give a list of students that were synced from SAS2000 or Synergetic. Click Check All to check all the profiles.


5. Scroll down to the bottom right of the page and click on Update.

6. Click on Select Groups

7. After clicking on Select Groups, it will give a list of groups that were synced from SAS2000 or Synergetic. Click Check All to check all the groups.


8. Scroll down to the bottom right of the page and click Update.


9. Click Sync Now to finalise the process. 


10. The new profiles and new groups will now appear on the home page. The existing profiles will also be moved to their new groups.

11. To check if there were students who were meant to be removed but were forgotten about, OR if some students are not syncing as they should, please use the Filter Profiles drop-down menu and choose Not Linked to SAS2000 (for SAS2000 users) or Not Linked to Synergetic (for Synergetic users).